If someone ask you, do you see all the colors?
Definitely your answer will be YES, if you don't know that you are colorblind.
About 8% of total population on the earth are colorblind. that's a big number about 400 Millions
of current population.
But almost 85% of them don't even know about their blindness to specific color.
They live whole their life not knowing it. And sometime they have to face some criticelities.
Actually that's when they come to know their blindness.
What is colorblindness?
First we know what is color. Color is mainly reflected light. For light of various wavelength and frequency we see different color.
And color blindness is inability of identifying or seeing light of certain range of wave length. Like if you can't see light from 510nm to 540nm, you will not see green color.
But you think that you see. Because like others you learned the name of color whether you can identify them or not.
Like on of my close friends, he is 22 and none of us know his blindness. One day I identify him while playing game together he was crossing enemy line again and again. Because the enemies were marked red in map. And he can't differentiate red. I claim that he don't see color. Noway he acknowledging his colorblindness, because seeing or not he knows all the names of color. At last i found these pictures below. And then we came to know.
See closely and what you find. compare with other. And find who is blind among you.
If you see all exactly 15 29 12 35 6 57 respectively then you are not colorblind, otherwise you are.
Type of colorblindness:
If you see the above two bands identical (almost) then your blindness is Tritanomaly.
If you see the above two bands identical (almost) then your blindness is Deuteranopia.
If you see the above two bands identical (almost) then your blindness is Tritanopia.
If you see the above two bands identical (almost) then your blindness is Protanopia.
If you see the above two bands identical (almost) then your blindness is Protanomaly.
If you see the above two bands identical (almost) then your blindness is Deuteranomaly.
Actually there's no escape from colorblindness. Because it is genetic disease.
But very recently scientists developed glasses that will help you to differentiating colors.
Get in touch
Actually that's when they come to know their blindness.
What is colorblindness?
First we know what is color. Color is mainly reflected light. For light of various wavelength and frequency we see different color.
And color blindness is inability of identifying or seeing light of certain range of wave length. Like if you can't see light from 510nm to 540nm, you will not see green color.
But you think that you see. Because like others you learned the name of color whether you can identify them or not.
Like on of my close friends, he is 22 and none of us know his blindness. One day I identify him while playing game together he was crossing enemy line again and again. Because the enemies were marked red in map. And he can't differentiate red. I claim that he don't see color. Noway he acknowledging his colorblindness, because seeing or not he knows all the names of color. At last i found these pictures below. And then we came to know.
See closely and what you find. compare with other. And find who is blind among you.
Type of colorblindness:
Achoromatopsia cant see any color. they just specify things observing contrast. If you see the above two bands identical (almost) then your blindness is Achoromatopsia.
If you see the above two bands identical (almost) then your blindness is Tritanomaly.
If you see the above two bands identical (almost) then your blindness is Deuteranopia.
If you see the above two bands identical (almost) then your blindness is Tritanopia.
If you see the above two bands identical (almost) then your blindness is Protanopia.
If you see the above two bands identical (almost) then your blindness is Protanomaly.
If you see the above two bands identical (almost) then your blindness is Deuteranomaly.
Actually there's no escape from colorblindness. Because it is genetic disease.
But very recently scientists developed glasses that will help you to differentiating colors.
California company enChroma is supplying these glasses.
They will test your blindness and identify your blindness category. And take order of glasses.Get in touch